You want to be dominated, in-person, by a Dominatrix in Portland, Oregon. You’ve been searching online for what seems like ages when you come across a phrase that makes your heart skip a beat…
Mx Luna Izel- Portland, OR Dominatrix. Your muse into psychosexual sadism.”

The moment you found me you knew that you wanted to give yourself to me. You like how I express myself, the way I talk about dominance and submission.
You find that our kinks and views on BDSM align. This is important to you and you eventually learn that it is for me too.
You scour my twitter account for bits and pieces of information to learn more about me. You see the bread crumb that I’ve laid out for you.
You go to my website to read every post I’ve written. Your eyes are hungry for the next sentence, the next word. You click on every page and link that you see.
You can’t get enough. You realize that the next step is to book an in-person session with me.
You go to my tribute page to learn more, then make your way to my submission form.
You fill it out, being as thorough and thoughtful as possible. You want to make sure you don’t miss a thing and that your first impression is a good one, worthy enough of my time.
It is sent. Now you wait patiently, as a good submissive would.
It isn’t long before your phone alerts you that you have a new email. You check it right away.
Seeing my email in your inbox gives you butterflies.
We set the date for our session and you begin to plan for it. You visit my wishlist again. You’ve been back and forth on which item to get but you finally pick one. You hope it brings a smile to my face when I receive it. Hint: it definitely will.
The day of our scheduled session comes. You clean up the best you ever have, you don’t want to disappoint me in any way.
You receive directions to the location. You make your way and you finally find yourself in front of the door that will lead you to me.
The excitement you feel cannot be contained. You’ve been smiling non-stop the past few days leading up to this moment.
You knock. I open the door. You’re stunned by how much more attractive you find me in person.
“Come in…” you hear me say, and you feel like you will melt away at the sound of my voice, seductive, comforting with an edgy undertone.
“Yes, Mx Luna” you say. I can hear your voice tremble with anticipation.
You step inside. You feel the comforting embrace of dominance.
Before you know it, you find yourself naked, vulnerable and willing, on your knees in front of Portland’s seductive Dominatrix. “You may present my tribute now” I say. You get the pretty, white envelope out, inside what you have known was mine since you first found me online.
I notice there’s more in there than the total for the length of your session. “What a sweet surprise, my toy. I see how badly you want to please me and be good for me.”
Handing over your hard earned money to me is highly arousing for you. You know that money is power and it feels right to give as much as you can sacrifice to emphasize your place beneath me.
The session continues, slowly bringing you deeper and deeper into subspace.

I tease and you worship.
I stimulate all of your senses and subjugate your mind. Your world is spinning.
A gentle touch from me is enough to take you further into your submissive consciousness. You become unravelled when I handle you roughly.
The session is over. You leave feeling aroused, humiliated and docile. You are happy.
The days go by, they turn into weeks and months. You find yourself thinking about me and our time together. You want more.
You quickly realize that this powerful dominatrix has seeded in you an insatiable need to come back for more.